The preaching of God’s word, the Bible, is central to our Sunday morning services. Sermons are preached by our church leaders and visiting speakers. Some of our sermons are posted on this page. 

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  Andrew Lansdown – The Importance of Sound Doctrine (2 Tim 4:1-5; 2 John 4-11), 4 August 2024

  Peter Warren – Forgiveness (Ephesians 4:1-6, 29-32; Colossians 3:12-17), 28 July 2024

  Andrew Lansdown – The Questions Pilate Asked Jesus (John 18:33-19:11), 14 July 2024

  Pedro Cruz – Justification and Sanctification (Romans 8:1-11), 7 July 2024

  Dwight Randall – Willing to Die (Galatians 1:1-24), 30 June 2024

  Leroy Randall – Evidence of the Resurrection (Matthew 27:57-66), 23 June 2024

  Roger Newton – Use the Gifts God Has Given (2 Timothy 1), 16 June 2024

  Leroy Randall – Formal Prayer (Job 23:3-4), 9 June 2024

  Andrew Lansdown – The Questions Pilate Asked the Jews, 2 June 2024

  Dwight Randall – Like a Mother (Mark 15 & Romans 16), 26mAY 2024

  Peter Warren – Mother’s Day, 12 May 2024

  Leroy Randall, Candles (Matthew 5:13-16) 19 May 2024

  Pedro Cruz – Attitude, 24 February 2024

  Mike Fischer – The Multitude in Heaven, 24 January 2024

  Milton Gabrielson – God’s Promises, 14 January 2024

  Peter Warren – Who Is This Child, 17 December 2023

  Roger Newton – The Crown of Righteousness (2 Tim 4:1-8), 31 December 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – Once In Royal David’s City (Matt 1:18-25, 2:13-23), Christmas Day, 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Luke 2 1-7), Christmas Eve, 24 Dec 2023

  Roger Newton – What is Your Testament (2 Timothy 4:1-5) 29 October 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – The Jealousy of God (4) (Numbers 25:1-15) 15 October 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – The Jealousy of God (3) (Psalm 78:51-62; Deut 32:9-24) 6 August 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – The Jealousy of God (2) (Exodus 34:11-16; Hosea 2:13-20) 2 July 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – The Jealousy of God (1) (Exodus 20:1-6; 34:11-16) 11 June 2023

  Mike R – The Precious Blessing (Psalm 133) 22 October 2023

 Fred Hay – Deliverance or Desertion (Gal 1:1-10) 1 October 2023

 Morris Randall – Be Prepared (John 20:19-29) 24 September 2023

  Morris Randall – The Greatness of God’s Love for Us (1 John 4:7-12) 27 August 2023

 Daryl Thatcher – The Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20) 20 August 2023

  Peter Warren – I Will Trust in the Lord (Ps 37:1-11; Acts 28:11-16) 16 July 2023

  Leroy Randall – The First Day of Creation (Gen1:1-5) 9July2023

  Carl Carmody – The Importance of Prayer (Col 4:2-6) 25 June 2023

  Morris Randall – Give Thanks to The Lord (Phil 4:4-9) 28 May 2023

  Andrew Lansdown – The Importance and Purpose of Baptism – 21 May 2023

  Morris Randall – Great Faith (Matt 15 21-28) 14 May 2023

 Dwight Randall – Where Are You Going (Gen 3:1-20) – 12 March 2023

Peter Warren – Lord Send Me (Ex 3:1-12; 4:10-13; John 15:13-17) – 26 February 2023

 Andrew Lansdown – The Outskirts of His Way (Job 26) – 5 February 2023

 Morris Randall – What Makes Jesus Angry (Mark11:11-20) – 19 February 2023

  Dwight Randall – Martha’s Confession (John 11 17-27) – 23 January 2023

  Peter Warren – Beautiful Feet (Isaiah 52:1-10 & Romans10:5-17) – 1 January 2023

  Roger Newton – Well Done Good and Faithful Servant (2 Timothy 2:1-13) – 18 September 2022

  Morris Randall – Caring for the Elderly – 20 March 2022

  Peter Warren – God Works In Us – 13 March 2022

  Dwight Randall – Christ’s Great Work – 27 February 2022

  Peter Warren – Commitment, Compassion, Courage – 9 January 2022

  Roger Newton – Ten Minas – 22 June 2021

  Pedro Cruz – Forgiveness – 13 October 2021

  Peter Warren – Faith – 4 July 2021

  Peter Warren – Untitled – 21 March 2021

  Fred Hay – How Long? – 26 July 2021

  Dwight Randall – Faith – 11 July 2021

  Morris Randall – Life – 26 September 2021

  Morris Randall – The Vine – 22 August 2021

  Morris Randall – The Three Vs of Calvary – 15 August 2021

  Morris Randall – Live by Faith – 18 July 2021

Morris Randall – Jesus Christ of History (Phil 1:1-4 & 1 John1:1-4) 28 March 2021

Morris Randall – Zacchaeus: True Repentance (Luke19:1-10) 14 March 2021

Pedro Cruz The Priority of Prayer (Mathew 6:9-13) 28 February 2021

Morris Randall – I Want to See! (Mark10:46-52) 21 February 2021

Andrew Lansdown – Choose the Right Counsellor (Isaiah 9:2-7 & Psalm119:17-24) 14 Feb 2021

Dwight Randall – Is It True (Daniel 3:8-18) 7 February 2021

Mike Fischer – The Gospel Changes Hearts (Acts 17:1-9 & 1 Thess1:1-10) 31 January 2021

Mike Fischer – Tell the Gospel (2 Kings 6:24-25 & 7:3-9; 2 Timothy 2:1-10) 24 January 2021

Fred Hay – Letter to the Colossians (Colossians 1:9-20) 17 January 2021

Dwight Randall – The Gifts of Love, Forgiveness and Time (John 8:2-11) 10 January 2021

Morris Randall – Series on Job (2) (Psalm23) 3 January 2021

Morris Randall – Series on Job (1) (Matthew 6:5-15) 27 December 2020

  Peter Warren – Hope – 19 July 2020

Andrew Lansdown – To the Church in Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11) 22 March 2020

Fred Hay – God’s Joy (John 2:1-11) 29 December 2019

Nigel Merrick – The Immanuel (Isaiah 9:1-7) 22 December 2019

Mike Fischer – The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-21) 1 December 2019

Nathan Randall – The Unity of Christ Philippians (2:1-11) 20 October 2019

Roger Newton – The Wedding Feast (Matthew 25:31-46) 15 September 2019

 Fred Hay – One God, One Mediator (1 Timothy 2), 21 April 2019

 Andrew Lansdown – Faith (Hebrews 11), 17 March 2019

 Roger Newton – Talents (Matthew 25 1-30), 17 February 2019

 Andrew Lansdown – The Conversion and Baptism of the Ethiopian (Acts 8), 3 February 2019

  Andrew Lansdown – Wonderful Counsellor (Isaiah:9 1-7), 27 January 2019

  Roger Newton – The Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything (Matthew 1:18-25), 30 December 2018

  Peter Warren – The Salvation that is available to all (Acts 3), 16 December 2018

  Andrew Lansdown – The Three Appearings of Christ (Hebrews 9 24-28) 2 December 2018

  Dwight Randall – A Bought Slave (1 Corinthians 6-12-20), 7 October 2018

  Roger Newton – Jesus is Coming Again (Matthew 25), 17 September 2018

  Andrew Lansdown – The Origin of Fatherhood (Ephesians 3:14-19), 2 September 2018

  Andrew Lansdown – Suffering: A Study of Job 1 & 2, 8 July 2018

 Nigel Merrick – The Failure of Success (Jonah 3:10-4:11), 29 April 2018

  Andrew Lansdown – Behold I Make All Things New (Rev 21:1-8), 28 January 2018

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