Church Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination
The members of Maylands Baptist Church recently endorsed a diaconate statement on COVID-19 vaccination and adopted the statement as church policy. The statement reads:
The diaconate is concerned that some division has arisen in the church over the COVID-19 vaccines. We hope to settle this matter by stating our position as leaders of the Maylands Baptist Church. And our position is this:
- There are legitimate reasons to be vaccinated with the available COVID-19 vaccines.
- Likewise, there are legitimate reasons not to be vaccinated with the available COVID-19 vaccines.
- All members of the congregation are at liberty to make up their own minds on this matter according to their own consciences and understandings.
- If you are vaccinated, you are welcome to worship and fellowship in this church.
- Likewise, if you are unvaccinated, you are welcome to worship and fellowship in this church.
- We draw no distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
- It is, of course, acceptable for people to discuss their personal views, and even to argue them strongly.
- But it is not acceptable to do this in a way that intimidates or belittles those with a contrary point-of-view.
- Being injected with the COVID-19 vaccination is not a matter where one side is morally and doctrinally right and the other wrong. It is a matter of assessing differing facts and values, and determining which ones to give weight to.
- We urge members of the congregation to be considerate and kind to one another at this time on this matter.
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