A summary of our beliefs is contained in the doctrinal statement of our constitution. As it was written many decades ago, the style may sometimes seem a bit staid, but the meanings are nonetheless clear and abiding. Were we to rewrite our Doctoral Statement today we might word and arrange it a little differently, but we would not alter its essential meaning.

As per our Doctrinal Statement, we believe and affirm:

  1. The eternal existence of one God in three co-equal Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. The Divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Old and New Testament Scriptures as originally given and their supreme authority in all matters of faith, doctrine and conduct.
  3. The creation of human beings by God in two distinct genders/sexes as male and female and the institution of marriage by God as a union between one man and one woman.
  4. The creation of human beings by God for fellowship with God; their separation from God by the Fall, which was brought about by the personal work of the devil who is still active in the world; the resultant universal sinfulness of all human beings; and their consequent need of salvation from sin.
  5. The provision of salvation through the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; His Deity; His incarnation by the virgin birth; His perfect humanity; His substitutionary atoning death; His bodily resurrection and ascension; His unchanging priesthood; and His personal bodily return.
  6. The necessity, in order to receive salvation, of repentance towards God and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. The Deity of the Holy Spirit, His work in making salvation effective to individuals, and His indwelling, sanctifying presence in the life of each believer.
  8. The regenerate nature of the Church, its membership consisting only of those who have personally received salvation; and the Lordship of Christ over the Church.
  9. The eternal consciousness of the soul; the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved; the final judgement of all men by the Lord Jesus Christ; the eternal punishment of the unsaved and the eternal blessedness of the saved.
  10. The ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; baptism being the immersion of believers as an expression of their personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; the Lord’s Supper being a symbolic remembrance by believers of His sacrificial death for them until He returns.

Click here to read or download a pdf of the full Constitution of the Maylands Baptist Church.

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